It seems the WHO and UN are to strengthen their influence as a result of the ‘pandemic’ we are now facing.
The WHO has suggested a process and timeline for this international treaty, which will give the WHO sweeping new powers over member nations - which most countries are.
The infographic makes everything seems so logical, but look closely at #9 and #10.
#9 One Health approach to global health architecture, thereby improving prevention by connecting the health of humans, animals and the planet.
#10 Partnership and networking with national counterparts in overcoming the threat of future pandemics, and with all other relevant actors (international organisations, civil society, private sector).
Note a GLOBAL HEALTH ARCHITECTURE will be implemented, which will connect all countries and agencies world wide. Will this body have authority over sovereign states? It will if our governments sign the treaty!
What about “connecting the health of humans, animals and the planet”?
First off, when did they stay calling us “humans” instead of people? I believe there's more to this than meets the eye, and it's to do with transhumanism, genetic patents in DNA and the coming appearance of nephalim hybrids, fallen angels and other 'aliens'. The elite have in mind an ecosystem that will contain all these entities, and ‘humans’ are one aspect of it.
Secondly, how did we get classified with animals for management, and what makes them think they can manage the planet YHWH gave mankind? He didn't give it to non-human entities. He gave it to us, the people! This is all a bit dodgy. It treats us like cattle and makes us subject to their management plan for the planet, and (sincerely) YHWH alone knows how corrupt that plan is!
“Partnership and networking with national counterparts in overcoming the threat of future pandemics, and with all other relevant actors (international organisations, civil society, private sector)”
Looking outwards, “national counterparts” implies the body that is central to this conversation has equal standing with nation states; which treaty would again be treason is entered into. We cannot continue to make the United Nations, World Health Organisation and other UN bodies equal or superior in power to our own elected government.
Looking inward, “other relevant actors (international organisations, civil society, private sector)”;
a) most countries have entered into treaties with the ‘international organisations’ spawned by the United Nations that are effectively treasonous
b) civil society most likely means local councils, who cannot make treaties.
c) the private sector is not allowed to make any treaty with an international body, nor can it act against the interests of the Australian people. There is however a number of global companies that are involved in progressing the NWO agenda.
Is the intent of the WHO in respect of this process and treaty a good one? I think not. I think it further serves to shackle member countries and their populations to treaties that will harm them. I believe this treaty will be pushed over the line when other difficulties area happening. There's war happening now with Russia and Ukraine, and whilst NATO and the US are dealing with sanctions, I believe it sets the scene for major conflict at a later time. Steven Ben Noon has apparently been advised there will be another pandemic, but it will come after a large scale war.
Could it be we are seeing the start of a global war, and the same time machinations to use a pandemic to take more control over the peoples of the earth? Sadly, I think so.
I urge you to keep watch regarding progress of these treaties and to complain to your national government regarding their adoption.